Satisfaction Guarantee

We know that menstrual cups and period underwear are not one-size-fits-all products – they’re not necessarily the right period products for everyone. That’s why we offer a Satisfaction Guarantee if you get the wrong cup size or if the cup/underwear simply doesn’t work for you. This applies for period products bought on our website and in stores. If you have purchased in a store or on a website other than ours, please make sure to keep a proof of purchase.

How do I claim it?

  • The menstrual cup: You can claim the guarantee after trying the cup for min. 90 days (3 cycles). We offer a free size exchange or full refund. If you ordered two cups during a 2for1 campaign, please note the guarantee is only valid for one of the cups.  
  • The period underwear: You can claim the guarantee within 60 days of receiving your order. We offer a full refund, if the product doesn’t function as promised. Size exchanges are not possible for period underwear. If you ordered multiple pairs, we ask you to return all unused products (in sealed packaging) so we can process the refund. 

To claim the guarantee, please fill out this form.

If you’re having problems filling out the form, please get in touch with our Customer Support team at

Our Satisfaction Guarantee is subject to these terms and conditions.

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